Sunday, February 12, 2012

please don't burn the roux

A light roux for dark meats
is part of my vade mecum,
it's so useless to argue
in a world of stainless leaps.

I can see the far cupola
with its blue dome
and white lattices
harboring pigeons in the freeze.

I am not expecting to be saved.

So back to the whisk with vigor,
for when the roux is burned
all hope is truly lost.


  1. Gerry,

    A tasty morsel with finishing touches to whet the appetite. Very moreish.....

    Best Wishes and good luck in the cook house!!!
    Eileen :)

  2. I roux the day I read this punny poem... pigeons in the frieze, eh?

    Vade mecum, indeed!

