Monday, December 31, 2012

Out with, in with

It's all cold again down a blown northwest line,
and dark comes feeling again so darkly new.
New ice in the window is white spidery fine,
a low yellow sun again raises a false pale blue.

Need to shiver, need to deeply red combine
hot blood that in last hot summer green grew
in a thrusting fuse that could in blossom define
a warmth so petaled that a crow cawed true

into the frost that thin fingers etched sublime
with a silvery ghost script writ in frozen ecru
by gnarled knuckles forgotten in graying time
when the scythe scratches an icy bill come due.

But a baby crawls pink from under the blanket now
holding sprigs of chartreuse from a golden bough.


  1. Gerry,

    An icy shiver came across me as I imagined seeing the image you were creating via your perfect words....A winter chill I believe....
    Then there was a sudden hint of baby warmth:)

    All Good and Warm Wishes being sent to you for the New year 2013,

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